Music Ministry

Forest Hill UMC values diversity in music and we hope to be a place where people can use their musical gifts for worship. 

Chancel Choir:

The Chancel Choir sings during 11 a.m. worship. All adults and high school students are invited to join. The Chancel Choir practices Wednesday at 7pm in E121. If you have thought about joining, now is the time! Reading music is not required- although it’s helpful! If you are interested in joining, reach out to Aaron Lambert, Choir Director/Organist

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir plays during 11 a.m. traditional worship. They rehearse Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. Reading music is not required, but it is helpful! The bell choir meets in room E122. With 5 octaves of bells, we could always use an extra set of hands. If you’re interested in joining, reach out to Justin Snyder, Associate Pastor of Worship and Mission.

Praise Band

Do you play an instrument or have an interest in volunteering in the Praise Band? Contact Pastor Justin