The health committee is a group who supports and promotes the health ministry in our church. The health committee works along-side the parish nurse to provide direction for the health ministry. Every church’s health ministry is unique and changes over time. The health committee taps into the congregation and community to help meet their needs. They help with different activities such as blood drives, health fairs, blood pressure screenings, mammogram van, fundraising, educational programs and various other activities.
Health Ministry Opportunities at the Church:
- Chair Aerobics — Tuesdays at 11 AM. Dancing, singing, praising and praying all while seated comfortably in a chair! Contact LaDonna Butts for more information (704) 652-1994
- Caregivers Committee–if you’re interested in visiting the shut-ins in our church, please come join this group, it’s a true blessing to be able to spend time with them! If you know someone who needs to be visited, please let us know!
Medical Equipment and Supplies are available for loan, check with us before you buy!
Medication Assistance–Please don’t go without your medications! Ask about how you can enroll in a prescription assistance program!
Faith Community Nurse: 704-788-4229
Church Office: 704-782-1109